What happens to a Scout? For every 100 boys who join Scouting, records
indicate that:
RARELY will one be brought before the juvenile court system
2 will become Eagle Scouts
17 will become future Scout volunteers
12 will have their first contact with a church
1 will enter the clergy
5 will earn their church award
18 will develop a hobby that will last through their adult life
8 will enter a vocation that was learned through the merit badge system
1 will use his Scouting skills to his own life
1 will use his Scouting skills to save the life of another person
Scouting's alumni record is equally impressive. A recent nation-wide survey
of high schools revealed the following information:
85% of student council presidents were Scouts
89% of senior class presidents were Scouts
80% of junior class presidents were Scouts
75% of school publication editors were Scouts
71% of football captains were Scout.
Scouts also account for:
64% of Air Force Academy graduates
68% of West Point graduates
70% of Annapolis graduates
72% of Rhodes Scholars
85% of FBI agents
26 of the first 29 astronauts