Rope Topics
An eye splice is formed by unlaying the end
of a rope for a short distance, then turning the end back to form an eye, and
tucking the separated strands into the standing part. Let the strands lie across
the standing part approximately at right-angles to the lay of the standing part.
Have two strands on top and one underneath. Lift a strand of the standing part
with a spike, and tuck No. 2 strand under it (Fig. a). Lift the next strand and
tuck No. 1 strand under it, going in where No 2 comes out (Fig b).
Turn the loop over and lift the only strand of the standing part which
has no other under it, and insert No. 3. Notice its direction (c). Pull all the
strands tight. This completes the first tuck. Take each strand in turn and
"go over and under one;" as No. 2 in Fig d. Taper off by halving the
strands before tucking the third time, and again halve them before the fourth